Archive for December 1st, 2013

Club Report – Wetherby Speakers Club 21.11.13

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

On this occasion Wetherby Speakers’ Club hosted the York RI Speakers’ Club at their meeting at the Days Inn at Wetherby Services.

 Amongst those attending from the York Club were the National President, Lindsay Dutch, the York RI President, Ramana Sundara, Vale of York Area President Mary Donahoe and founder member, Clive Dawson.

 Howard Herbert, the Education Director was the first to speak and his subject was astronomy and he was being evaluated by Clive Dawson specifically for his use of voice. It was a fascinating speech and Clive, as a very experienced speaker, gave a very in-depth and helpful evaluation.

 Ramana Sundara presented a highly amusing speech to demonstrate his use of humour entitled Same Species…Different Worlds about the differences between men and women and the evaluation was given by Terry Ryan, who was a previous winner of the National speech Contest.

 Chris Clissitt, this year’s winner of the National Speech Contest, was an excellent Chairman of the whole meeting as was Peter Wilson who chaired the Topics session. Peter chose to give each member one of the new words recently accepted for inclusion into the Oxford Dictionary and for two minutes, they had to speak on the meaning of the word and give suitable examples. This proved to be a lively and amusing session with everyone having to stretch their imagination to the full.

 Lindsay Dutch evaluated the whole meeting and his comments were appreciated by everyone as it was a great privilege to hear what the National President thought about the Wetherby Speakers’, Club meeting. Chris Clissitt, as chairman thanked everyone and commented on the quality of all participants before handing the gavel back to Niki Boersma who, as President, closed the meeting.