Archive for January, 2023

Evaluation and Topic Contests

Saturday, January 21st, 2023

Peter Wilson gave the target speech for the club Evaluation contest on 19th January entitled “Apocalypse Fatigue”. There were three entrants with judge Jeff Denton declaring Chris Clissitt the winner. He will represent the club at the regional contests in March.

The same three entered the Topics contest with Chris Clissitt selected as the winner by judge Jan Seymour.

As for last year, there will be no Area contests this year. There are only four clubs in the region entering contests (Wetherby, York, Craven and Halifax & Huddersfield) and all will progress directly to the Eastern Regional contests on 11th March in Bramhope.

Here is the club line up for the regional contests:

Speech:          Neil Wilson

Evaluation:     Chris Clissitt

Topics:           Chris Clissitt