At the AGM on 14th May Jeff Denton was elected President for the 2015/16 season.
The Immediate Past President, Jocelyn Brooks, will remain on the committee.

Jeff Denton receives the Presidential chain of office from his predecessor, Jocelyn Brooks
At the same meeting we witnessed the appointment of a new president for the Vale of York Area. The outgoing Area President, Peter Wilson, handed the chain of office to our new Area President Niki Boersma.
The new season will kick off on Thursday 10th September at the Days Inn.
This is the full committee:
President: Jeff Denton
Treasurer: Neil Wilson
Education Director: Howard Herbert
Secretary: Peter Wilson
Social Secretary: Mavis Cryer
Publicity Officer: Niki Boersma
Webmaster: Chris Clissitt
Immediate Past President: Jocelyn Brooks