Archive for June, 2019

2019/20 Committee

Sunday, June 23rd, 2019

At the club AGM on 9th May there were only two changes to the committee. Niki Boersma moved to Social Secretary after two years as Education Director, a role which will be filled by Jocelyn Brooks. Peter Wilson will continue as President for a second year.

Neil Wilson will be Vale of York Area President in 2019/20 in addition to his role as club Publicity Officer.

The new season will kick off on Thursday 19th September at Linton Memorial Hall.

This is the full committee:

President: Peter Wilson

Vice President: Rachel Kato

Treasurer: John Holian

Education Director: Jocelyn Brooks

Secretary: Chris Clissitt

Social Secretary: Niki Boersma

Publicity Officer: Neil Wilson

Webmaster: Chris Clissitt