This traditional light hearted contest took place at The Bridge Inn, Walshford on Friday 23rd March with yet another spoof scenario. Imagine that following BBC2’s “The Speaker” three years ago public speaking became as big as cooking, choirs and home renovation. Speaking organisations thrived, and now large businesses are competing to sponsor the ASC and their great value product. At this dinner they set out the reasons why they should be chosen.
After six entertaining speeches, Jan Millar was declared the winner for her highly amusing take on the part of Jacqueline Goldmine, Chief Executive of a lingerie and sex accessory chain.
The other speakers were Michael O’Dearie (Peter Wilson), Jim Trytrytryson (Howard Herbert), Richard Iamthebrandson (Neil Wilson), Mark Sugarmountain (Chris Clissitt) and Alan Zucker (John Holian). The MC was Miss Feasance (Niki Boersma) and the judge was Lindsay Dutch, Eastern District President.