Archive for March 19th, 2010

Hi! TV Annual Dinner – After Dinner Speech Contest

Friday, March 19th, 2010

Following a long held tradition this light hearted contest took the form of the annual dinner of a “spoof” company with thinly disguised celebrity speakers. This year the event was the dinner held by a long established commercial television company – Hi! TV.

Terry Ryan proved to be a winner for a second time with the part of “Jo Nathan Dross” – a brilliant and entertaining speech.

The other speakers were Simon Scowell (Peter Wilson) Elizabeth Moondock (Jocelyn Brooks) Billy Cornily (Peter Nellist) Adam Rosier (Neil Wilson) and Contrary Blackhouse (Pamela Singleton). The MC was Archie Doorman (Chris Clissitt) and the judge was Ron Robb of York RI Speakers Club.IMG_0096