The meeting was opened by the President, Niki Boersma who gave a concise resume of the Eastern District Contests and the Annual General Meeting. She congratulated Chris Clissitt and Neil Wilson, both of whom will take part in the finals at the Association of Speakers’ Clubs Annual Conference at Castle Donnington in April. There was some discussion regarding certain contests rules.
After a short business meeting, the Chairman for the evening, Peter Wilson called Jan Millar to the lectern to give her speech which was a B2 Assignment – ‘Mean What You Say’. Jan is a very experienced and animated speaker and was ably evaluated by Chris Clissitt.
Peter Wilson then introduced the debate ‘The damage done to public confidence in the police by recent revelations is irreversible’. With very little time for preparation Niki Boersma was invited to propose the motion and Howard Herbert to oppose. The motion was then open to the floor and a number of speakers took part before a vote was taken and Peter Ryans gave his evaluation.
Mavis Cryer chaired the Topics Session and she invited members to speak for three minutes on issues that caused stress. Examples were Moving House, Taking a Driving Test and Visiting the Dentist. A thorough evaluation of the Topics Session was given by Peter Ryans.
Jocelyn Brooks presented a general evaluation of the conduct of the whole meeting which was then closed by President Niki Boersma