President Niki Boersma opened the latest meeting of Wetherby Speakers Club and welcomed two visitors including a Past National President of the Association of Speakers Clubs, Sandra Barton. Niki then introduced Scott Stephenson who chaired the remainder of the meeting.
There was most definitely a seasonal air to the proceedings as Jan Millar gave the first speech entitled “The Real Father Christmas”. The object of Jan’s speech was to demonstrate the effective use of her voice, which Jan did to a very high standard. The speech considered the claims of various countries to be home to the real Father Christmas but concluded with the revelation that the Real Santa was in fact her son’s Dad!!
The seasonal theme continued with Jocelyn Brooks’ speech entitled “Only 359 Shopping Days Left…” which alluded to the commercial message that we will all hear on January 1st. Jocelyn then gave a very informative speech about all manner of things connected to Christmas. Jocelyn developed instant rapport with her audience and maintained it throughout in her warm raconteur style. Niki Boersma and Peter Wilson assisted the speakers by offering constructive advice on how to improve their performance.
Mavis Cryer then chaired a topics session where members were required to speak for three minutes without preparation on a variety of topics all linked by the overall theme of …… yes it was Christmas once again. John Holian evaluated the topics session. Neil Wilson then completed an enjoyable and busy evening by giving a General Evaluation, summing up the meeting as a whole.