President Niki Boersma opened the meeting on 11th October which was chaired by Chris Clissitt. Both the President and Chairman gave a warm welcome to a first time visitor, Anne Bowdin, and to the National Vice President Lindsay Dutch and Rosalie Harrop, who were visiting from York RI Speakers Club.
Niki Boersma gave the first speech entitled “Water Water Everywhere” which was a ten minute speech designed to practice the unobtrusive use of notes. Niki explained how lucky we are to have water on tap by comparison with the problems many other countries experience in obtaining supplies of drinking water.
The second speaker was Jeff Denton whose speech entitled “Play On and On” posed the question what would life be without music? The purpose of Jeff’s speech was to practice the art of Speech Construction. Tim Hunter and Mavis Cryer assisted the speakers by offering constructive advice on how to improve their performance.
Peter Wilson then chaired a topics session where members were required to speak for three minutes without preparation on a variety of proverbs. Visitor Anne Bowdin made an entertaining and confident short speech about herself. Scott Stephenson evaluated the topics session. Jeff Denton then completed a busy evening by giving s General Evaluation, summing up the meeting as a whole.