The Vale of York Area Speech, Evaluation and Topics Contest took place on Sunday 12th January 2014 at the York RI Bowls Club. Wetherby Speakers’ Club was represented by Niki Boersma and John Holian in the Speech Competition, Chris Clissitt and Howard Herbert in the Evaluation Contest and Chris Clissitt and Jocelyn Brooks in the Topics Competition.
The winners were as follows:
Speech Competition Ramana Sundara from the York RI Speakers’ Club
Evaluation Competition Chris Clissitt from the Wetherby Speakers’ Club
Topics Competition Clive Dawson from the York RI Speakers’ Club
Those winners will now represent the Vale of York at the Eastern District Competitions on Sunday 9th March 2014 at the Bridge in at Walshford.
Wetherby Club wishes all those contestants the very best of luck