Club report for Wetherby News – 15th and 29th May 2014

The Wetherby Speakers’ Club began its traditional summer break at the end of May and so the Annual General Meeting took place on Thursday 15th May.

 This year there was a great deal to discuss and decisions were made for the new season beginning in September. Club officers were elected as follows:

 President: Jocelyn Brooks

Treasurer: Neil Wilson

Education Director: Howard Herbert

Secretary: Peter Wilson

Social Secretary: Mavis Cryer

Publicity Officer: Niki Boersma

Webmaster: Chris Clissitt

Vice President: Jeff Denton

 The final session on 29th May was chaired by Chris Clissitt and there were two excellent speeches both aimed at passing the assignment ‘Mean what you say’. Scott Stevenson’s speech was entitled In the Public Way which looked at the British Public School system and Rob Harrand also demonstrated his enthusiasm in his speech Science is Awesome!  Jocelyn Brooks and John Holian were the evaluators and both speakers passed the assignment.

 For the topics session, Chris Clissitt  chose sayings all containing the word ‘Blood’ having that very day been a blood donor. The topics were interesting and amusing and ably evaluated by Jeff Denton. Niki Boersma gave a general evaluation of the whole meeting.

 Niki then handed over the Presidency of the Club to Jocelyn Brooks who thanked Niki for the excellent way in which she fulfilled the role of President over the last two years. Niki has given a great deal to the Club during that time and will be a hard act to follow. The new season will begin on Thursday 11th September 2014.

Club members at the 2014 AGM

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